Multi-Thread Multi-Search

Use this method when fetching from multiple image searches similtaneously

Quick Start

from image_fetcher.multithread_image_fetching import concurrent_image_search
from image_fetcher.browsers import Browser, BrowserType

    headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36'},
    browser=Browser(BrowserType.CHROME, 'chromedriver')

Key arguments

  • search_terms: The list of search terms to google image search
  • max_similtanous_threads: The number of concurrent image fetches to execute
  • max_image_fetching_threads: The number of concurrent image downloads to execute per image fetch
  • image_download_timeout: The number of seconds to wait for an image to be downloaded before abandoning
  • total_images: How many images you want downloaded for each of these search terms
  • headers: Browser headers the library uses when making requests. Just use this example if you're not sure what to do. For more information go to
  • browser: Browser object to fetch URL's from. This must be an instance of a Browser which takes browser type and the path to it's driver executable. For more information jump to the browser installation guides section

Optional Arguments

  • extensions: List of acceptable file extensions (default is jpg & png)
  • directories: Names of folder to save images to (default is the same names as the search_terms)
  • progress_bar: Whether to display a progress bar (default is True)
  • verbose:Whether to print total downloaded & total ignored at the end (default is True)